Okay so I have a graphics artist for, well, the graphics of any future game I do. That's one thing I don't have to worry about doing, and failing. She goes by Mell, however in my credits she will be shown as Melon. hehe.
So all I need now is a coder for anything I might potentially need coded. That might already be filled, but that is only a might. So if anyone is willing to fill in just in case just let me know.
I might also need another graphics artist so that Mell doesn't have to do everything because I don't want to pile everything on her plate. So again if you can help, let me know. :)
Other then that, I have started looking into what im going to be using to make these games. I am considering trying all of them, maybe creating one game per engine to see which one has the most potential. I don't know. We will see.